HELPFUL LINKS ... continued
Help Prevent Bullying ...continued Parents and educators can access bullying prevention resources, which include educational toolkits, awareness toolkits, contest ideas, promotional products and more.
PACERTeensAgainstBullying: Created by and for teens, this is the place where middle and high school students can find ways to address bullying, take action, be heard, and own an important social cause. teens against bullying
PACERKidsAgainstBullying: This creative, innovative and educational website designed for elementary school students to learn about bullying prevention, engage in activities and be inspired to take action. kids against bullying An online curriculum that encourages student-to-student conversation to educate, inspire, and support teens to create kinder and safer schools.
Safe Driving ...continued
The Ultimate Guide to Driving Safely & Avoiding Distractions
Although written for British Drivers, this publication has excellent tips, facts and extensive information on best practices for any driver! Have a new driver in your home? Make them read this and test them on it... then test yourself.
The Keys to Defensive Driving for Teens
Before you get behind the wheel of that two-ton frame of glass and steel, here are some tips to help you stay in control....
7 Driving Safety Tips You Need To Know
Driving is not without its risks as any driver is well aware. However, these risks can be minimized with attention to safety.
10 Things You Should Never Do While Driving
Unfortunately, most people think of driving as a boring yet necessary task. Instead of paying attention to what they’re doing behind the wheel and what is going on around them, these drivers engage in a number of dangerous activities. How many of the following ten dangerous things do you do while driving?