We are the Hawaii Association for Justice (formerly the Consumer Lawyers of Hawaii) a professional association established in 1983 as a non-profit corporation in the State of Hawai'i. HAJ exists to provide services to its members, education to the public and information to governmental and judicial decision-makers. Is serves as an important, statewide voice for individuals injured by the misconduct or negligence of others.
We are a diverse group of men and women dedicated to protecting the health and safety of Hawaii’s families and visitors, working to save and improve consumer protections and preserving each and every citizen's right to trial by jury, and access to the courts.
Our members concentrate their time in the practice of Criminal Law, Commercial Litigation, Domestic Relations/Family Law, Employment Law, Environmental Law, Insurance Law, Personal Injury, Product Liability, Social Security, and Workers’ Compensation Law.
HAJ members are committed to strengthening and protecting the civil justice system, preserving the rights of citizens, educating and informing the public on important issues, and making sure that the government continues to provide equal justice for all.
Mission Statement
To support and promote diligence and excellence as advocates on behalf of consumers in Hawaii.
To protect the rights of individuals,
To preserve the jury system and enhance trial practice,
To ensure access to the courts and advance the interests of innocent parties,
To maintain judicial integrity and independence,
To uphold and defend the constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Hawaii.